Benefits of Proper Pricing

Benefits of Proper Pricing

Faster sale
When your home sells faster, you save carrying costs, mortgage payments and other ownership costs.

Less inconvenience
If you've moved before, you know the energy it takes to prepare for showings: keeping the home clean, making child care arrangements and altering your lifestyle. Proper pricing reduces these demands on you, by helping your home sell faster.

Exposure to more prospects
At market value, you open your home up to more people who can afford the price. Sellers who list at a high price in the hope that they’ll find the one purchaser who will pay it, often do not realize that they have discouraged many potential purchasers who could have afforded the price they end up accepting at a later date.

Increased salesperson response
When salespeople are excited about a home and its price, they make special efforts to contact all of their potential buyers. Knowing that it is priced properly for its market, they expect it to sell soon and encourage their prospects to act quickly. Their excitement is contagious!

Better response from advertising and sign calls
Ad calls and sign calls to Realtors turn into showings when price is not a deterrent. Most serious prospects are well educated about asking prices in the areas they are seeking, and will not waste time on a home they consider overpriced.

Attracts higher offers

When a home is priced right, buyers fear they might lose out on a good home , so they are less likely to make "low ball offers."

Means more money to sellers
If a home is priced right, the excitement of the market produces higher sale prices. You net more both in terms of actual sale price and in less carrying costs.