Seller's FAQ

Seller's Frequently Asked Questions

There may be times when you have questions to ask about buying or selling a home and just can’t reach anyone. You’ve come to the right place!

In our opinion, no question should be an embarrassing question. If the answer to your question is not here, please feel free to
e-mail us and we'll not only get you the answer, it will be posted in this section!

Q: I am considering selling my home. How do I find out what it’s worth in today’s market?

A: You may have your home pre-appraised by an appraiser, get a comparative market analysis from a REALTOR, or visit websites such as You will have a pretty good feel for what the market will bear.

Q: Should I choose my agent based upon the market analysis showing the highest price?

A: Talk is cheap! If another agent tells you your house is worth more, make sure you review the supporting data closely. All members of our MLS have access to the same records. Price your home within the market data available. Remember, today’s Buyer Agent has access to the same information to share with their client.

Q: How can I prepare my home for sale?

A: Visit the
“Home Selling Tips”
section of this site

Q: How important is Internet marketing for selling our home?

A: In today’s market it is imperative that you have good presence on the web. The NAR (National Association of Realtor’s) estimate that about 94% of today’s homebuyers use the Internet at some point of the home buying process.

Q: Will my home sell better if we have already moved?

A: That’s a tough question to answer. Frequently, rooms will look larger if empty. If you move, however, tastefully placing a few plants and other “homey” items helps keep the home from looking too stark.

Q: Should we buy our new house before we list?

A: Make sure you have the funds to buy the new house before you list. Contingency offers often work out under good market conditions.

Q: Should I list my house with my friend?

A: Many people have friends who are REALTORS. Friendship is sort of an unspoken agreement to filter out someone’s imperfection so the good things shine brighter. That’s a great concept for friendship, but a poor one for business. It is difficult for anyone to be close to a person and be impartial. This often puts a burden on the friendship. Don’t forget, it’s hard for your friend in the business to be realistic with you when they see you through rose-colored glasses. BASE YOUR DECISION ON PERFORMANCE, NOT YOUR FEELINGS.

Q: Should I try to sell my house on my own and save the commission?

A: Everyone thinks about selling their own home at one point or another in their life! Do keep in mind, however, why REALTORS are trained on a continual basis in their field. The legal nature of the real estate transaction continues to grow in complexity. There are many things an agent does to assure that a transaction is completed.